
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 15 | 2010/6
Issue no. 1

Percival Arthur Timothy Showers, PhD
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This article makes a survey of the various aquatic models which have been applied to studying living life forms with special reference to the situation in Philippine waters, together with their advantages and shortcommings. The most popular model has been Ecopath, the greater part of whose development was achieved when the developing organisation was located here in the Philippines until it became the most versatile research tool in the world for the study of aquatic communities of fishes, molluscs, and crustacians. The Ecopath is still the most versatile model of its kind and more researchers should be educated and encouraged to use it.
Plankton, fishery, biomass, phytoplankton, cycles,,, seasonal variations, sea surface temperature, color, ocean, overexploitation, climate change, perturbation, environment, detection, indicators, management, ecosystems, remote sensing, marine environment, Pelagic zone, ecology.
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