
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 27 | 2019/11
Issue no. 2

Cristobal, Kate Marielle C.; Catapang, Ron Paulo M.; Latoza, Jose D., Jr.; Marocom, Dan Michael Sean A.; Montalbo, Carmela Andrea R.; Ramos, Roselle M.; Reyna, Kristin Jerome M.; Valle, SiddArtha B., RCE; Luna, Lailanie, RCE
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Batangas City’s Bridge of Promise collapsed in 2009 when Typhoon Santi hit the city. To assess the structural reliability of the Bridge of Promise after its rehabilitation, periodical inspection of the bridge was imperative to sustain its serviceability; this is done by detecting any structural damage that may require repairs. As preliminary bridge assessment, this study ascertained the soundness of the Bridge of Promise by evaluating its natural frequencies. Smartphone (iPhone) accelerometers were deployed along the deck of the bridge to record induced vibrations. Raw data were then converted into frequency-domain data using Fast Fourier Transform. Most modal natural frequencies within the bridge ranged from 1.00 Hz – 1.9 Hz. The highest natural frequency of 2.48 Hz was determined at mid span. All modes recorded were less than the maximum fundamental frequency of bridges which is 2.5 Hz. The results signified that the present natural frequencies of the Bridge of Promise comply with the standard natural frequency as verified by the DPWH.
Batangas City, Bridge of Promise, Fast Fourier Transform, iPhone accelerometers, modal analysis
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