
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 28 | 2020/11
Issue no. 1

Dimaculangan, Angelica, Ed.D.; Driz, Amelita, Ph.D.; Evangelista, Angelica, MBA; Alido, Florescel Gail
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This research paper evaluated the implementation of multicultural education in a university in the Philippines. Globalization and multicultural diversity is widespread all over the world and considering the influx of foreign students to the Philippines, mobility of foreign students to the Philippines had become commonplace; hence, the researchers analysed and evaluated the experience of foreign students in the selected university. Fifty foreign students were involved in the study which was conducted using a self-structured questionnaire. The responses of the students were analysed using frequency weighted mean, and Pearson’s R. The researchers found out that in terms of level of implementation of multicultural education, the curriculum was moderately satisfactory. Similarly, based on the evaluation, learning style/methodology was also moderately satisfactory. The assistance given by the selected university in terms of academic performance also got the evaluation of moderately satisfactory and finally, socialization process was also assessed as moderately satisfactory. Finally, a guideline to develop and enhance the multicultural education was offered for the institution’s consideration to strengthen the program.
internationalization, globalization, multicultural education, multiculturalism, private university, Philippines
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