
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 28 | 2020/12
Issue no. 2

Felicitas M. Cortez, Shayne Perico, Christine Ann Conti
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The ability to communicate proficiently in English is a valuable asset for employees. It is to the advantage of an institution if hired employees possess the required proficiency in the use of English to effectively discharge their duties. This study assessed the linguistic skills of the subject university's non-teaching personnel in view of providing the necessary enhancement program that may be implemented by the institution to address the found discrepancy. A structured questionnaire was the main data gathering instrument. The researchers gathered data from the total population of 214; however, only 100 questionnaires were considered. The descriptive research design was used for this purpose. It was found out that the respondents consider English language skills as very necessary in most of their work activities and believe they have good enough skills for communications. Further, the respondents agreed that they have difficulty using English in speaking and writing although this is not so in terms of reading and listening. Age and length of service were found to be significantly correlated with the respondents' communication skills in terms of skills level and difficulties encountered. The results further revealed that the non-teaching personnel needs to enhance their English presentation skills.
English communication skills, needs assessment, proficiency, non-teaching personnel, university, Philippines
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