
The Hub

Volume no. 7 | 2017/10
Issue no. 1

FIX IT YOURSELF: A Basic Computer Repair and Troubleshooting Application
Nathaniel T. Latorre, Garren Odell C. Viduya, Kristine Diane R. Zaraspe Researchers Mr. Rene Magpantay Adviser
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Fix It Yourself is a basic computer repair and troubleshooting application developed exclusively for computer users. The study aims to analyze the concept of multimedia and mobile learning to develop an android application for basic computer repair and troubleshooting. The researchers tend to design a userfriendly mobile application for basic computer repair and troubleshooting that provides self teaching that will be easy to follow and understand. The researchers wanted to develop a mobile application that can help the users to repair basic computer problem. It will be an application that will diagnose computer problems and eventually generate solution. Finally, the research output an expert system called FIY (Fix It Yourself) A Basic Computer Repair and Troubleshooting Application, a self teaching mobile application that handles computer problems. This study utilizes systems development life cycle, a system used in systems engineering. The systems development life cycle concept applies to a range of hardware and software configurations, as a system itcan be composed of hardware, software, or combination of both.
Multimedia, Mobile Learning, Expert System
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