A Comparative Analysis on Data Encryption Standard and
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Encryption Algorithms |
Author |
Irrah C. Dimayuga, Alex B. Espina,
Wenclaire Karen C. Halcon, Jayebelle Marie B. Napa
Mr. Alvin C. Mercado
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Abstract |
The research is entitled “A Comparative Analysis on
Data Encryption Standard and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
Encryption Algorithms”. Security is a basic human
concept that has become more difficult to define and
enforce in the information age. In primitive societies,
security was limited to ensuring the safety of the
group’s members and protecting physical resources.
Security in technology is controlling access to sensitive
electronic information so only those with legitimate
need to access it are allowed to do so. Computer
security is the protection of computing systems and
data that they store and access. Data security refers to
protective digital privacy measures that are applied to
prevent unauthorized access to computers, databases
and websites. Data security also protects data from
corruption. Data security is the main priority for
organizations of every size and genre. To be able to
help in finding the proper encryption algorithm that will
utilize the four factors that was named in the study
namely; authenticity, confidentiality and integrity.
There have been many reports that will prove
data security have yet to improve, numerous
Government Agencies have been forced to find a
solution that will improve data security especially when
they are sent over an unprotected network. In today’s
era the web is no longer safe for file sharing there are
many unauthorized people wondering around waiting
for the right time to steal information from different
Government Agencies, Companies and Organizations.
One of the most effective way to achieve data security
is to encrypt it but there are many ways to encrypt a
data but using different kinds of cryptography algorithms.
The researchers conduct this study to prove
which of the two Algorithms namely Data Encryption
Standard and the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is more
effective in encrypting and decrypting of data and
one of the primary purpose of this study is to analyze
the growing gap between security and cryptography.
The Developmental Research method was used
in the study to check the efficiency of the Encryption
Algorithms namely Data Encryption Standard and the
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman. Developmental research is
particularly important in the field of instructional
technology. The most common types of
developmental research involve situations in which the
product-development process is analyzed and
described, and the final product is evaluated.
The researchers decided to conduct this study
to understand the gap between the between data
security and cryptography. The researchers needs to
understand the two concepts before understanding
the encryption and decryption of the two
algorithms.Conducting this kind of research will be able
to help other professionals and other future researchers
in understanding the encryption algorithms.
The main objective of the study was to analyze
and compare the differences of the two algorithms
namely Data Encryption Standard (DES) and RSA
Algorithm (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). Specifically, it
aimed to: One, Analyze the concepts and principles of
the two algorithms which can provide the most
effective security for data encryption and decryption.
Two, Develop a tool that would display the behavior
and properties of Data Encryption Standard and RSA
(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). Three, Evaluate the
performance of the Data Encryption Standard and RSA
(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). Four, Determine the
efficiency of the Algorithms based on how each
process will preserve the confidentiality, authenticity
and availability of the data.
DES stands for Data Encryption Standard. This
type of algorithm is secret key based algorithm in which
same key is used for encryption and decryption.
Following are the steps of DES algorithm. It takes 64 bit long plain text data block as input and 56 bit key and
generates output of 64 bit block. The plaintext
undergoes an initial permutation when it enters the
encryption function, IP. It undergoes a reverse final
permutation at the end IP-1. The 64 bit plain text passes
through an initial per-mutation (IP) that rearranges the
bit to produce the permutated bit. The IP produces 2
halves of permuted block- left plain text and right plain
text. 16 rounds of encryption is done each with its own
keys. The output of above 16 rounds consists of 64 bits
that are function of input plain text and key at last the
output is passed through final permutation (FP) also
called inverse IP to produce 64 bit cipher text.
RSA algorithm is a public key encryption
algorithm. It is most popular and asymmetric key
cryptographic algorithm. It uses the prime no. to
generate the public and private key based on
mathematical fact and multiplying large numbers
together. The principle of RSA algorithm is “it is easy to
multiply two prime numbers but difficult to factor
them”. As RSA is asymmetric key cryptographic
algorithm so there are different keys for encryption and
decryption. To compute for RSA: Pick two prime
numbers p and q (say) such that p is not equal to q and
to calculate n, multiply p and q; n = p * q. Now
calculate t by formula t = (p-1)*(q-1). Select a public
key e such that e is relatively prime to t. We need to
find a number dthat when multiplied witheand divided
bytwill give us a remainder of 1 and to calculate
cipher text (C): and to decipher plain text
(M): . The cipher text is sent to receiver
and at receiver decrypts it into plain text.
RSA solves the problem of the key agreement
and key exchange problem generated in secret key
cryptography but still its confidentiality is low, so DES is
used; RSA and DES differ from each other in certain
features. While RSA is an asymmetric key encryption
algorithm while DES is a symmetric key encryption
algorithm. DES and RSA algorithm in has been studied
and summarized. Main differences between both the
techniques are mentioned. The Confidentiality of the
encryption for DES is very high while in RSA it is low, as
DES is secret key based algorithm suffers from key
distribution and key agreement problems however this problem is overcome in RSA algorithm but encryption
and decryption takes time in RSA algorithm so both the
algorithms have advantages and disadvantages but to
answer the objectives of the study. It can be shown
that from the given factors DES can be concluded that
it is much better and efficient than RSA.
Based on the findings, the researchers
concluded that the researchers concluded that the
Data Encryption Standard computes the encryption
process faster than the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
Encryption Algorithms using a pen and paper
computation. Through the implementation of the Data
Encryption Standard and the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
Encryption Algorithms in Java, the researchers were
able to compute for DES a lot easier but on the other
half the RSA Algorithm is still complicated due to its
mathematical property and by performing an analysis
on DES and RSA, the researchers were able to evaluate
that DES gives more throughput than RSA. The
researchers also found out that DES and RSA has the
same efficiency between the 2 factors namely
Authenticity and Availability but DES surpasses RSA in
the Confidentiality of the input based on the analysis
made by the researchers.
Based on the findings and the conclusions of
the study, the researchers offer the following
recommendations. The researchers recommends that
the future researchers will be able to create a hybrid
encryption algorithm possessing both the properties of
each algorithm and surpassing the scope and
limitations of this study. The researchers also
recommends to other computer science professionals,
professors and future researchers that they will be able
to come up with a formula so that they will be able to
compute for each algorithm much easier. |
Keywords |
Keywords: Analysis on Algorithms, Data Encryption
Standard, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, Encryption
Algorithms, Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric
Encrption. |
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