
The Hub

Volume no. 7 | 2017/10
Issue no. 1

EVA: Educational Virtual Assistant A Study on the Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistant
Jay-Ar M. Alday, Von Clinton D. Bool, Ramon Alessandro M. Deocampo, Gerleth V. Garcia Researcher Mercado, Alvin C. Adviser
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The study is entitled EVA: Educational Virtual Assistant, A Study on the Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistant. The study sought to analyze, design and build a prototype of an artificial intelligence virtual assistant to be used by students and faculty. The researchers developed the program in order to understand the inner working of an artificial intelligent system. In the University of Batangas, there are large numbers of researches in the field of information systems and web development over the years, as well as in computer science; however there have been little research attempted in the field of artificial intelligence and its related fields.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Virtual Assistant
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