
The Hub

Volume no. 8 | 2018/12
Issue no. 1

The Efficiency of Gaming Algorithms: A Comparative Study Of Minimax and Alpha-Beta Algorithm
Maria Diodel M. Suguitan, Mark Aaron V. Reyes, Lorenzo Angelo F. Arguelles, and Joshua James A. Daquilanea (BSCS) Researchers Mrs. Rhueliza R. Tordecilla Adviser
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This study is entitled “ The Efficiency of Gaming Algorithms: A Comparative Study Of Minimax and Alpha-Beta Algorithm”. The researchers conducted this study to analyze which of the two algorithms, Minimax and Alpha-beta is more effective to use in a zero-sum perfect informations game in their decision making capabilities. This study will be beneficial for the researchers, computer science students, for future researchers and also for professional game developers; who will use this study as reference material befitting of their needs.The researchers were able to understand and analyze the algorithm with the use of a game simulation (Tic-Tac-Toe) made by the researchers. The main objective of the study is to compare the two algorithms using the game simulation in terms of performance and then come up with the conclusion on which algorithm is better to use. This study will be able to help the future researchers in further analyzing the depth of not just this two gaming/searching algorithms but also the different types of algorithm used in games.
Keywords: Searching Algorithm, Zero-sum Games, Perfect Information Games, Alpha-beta Pruning, Minimax Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Response Time, Execution Time, Memory Allocation
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