Manufacturing organizations like Tsukiden Electronics Philippines (TEPI) strive their way to being competitive. To achieve this, productivity and efficiency should be addressed, and wastes of manufacturing should be eliminated. In this case-experimental research for TEPI, the researcher proposes a system for their inventory management. Six Sigma approach using Lean manufacturing tools was used by the researcher for the Kaizen project to address the problem of TEPI in inventory management.
Current state analysis and first level Pareto analysis revealed that Client A contributed 41.7% to the total loss of TEPI. A second level Pareto analysis for Client A showed that among the factors that contributed to losses, it was the missing/ uncounted parts that contributed 42.12% to the total losses. From the Ishikawa diagram and why-why analysis, almost all the problems that often arise in TEPI’s inventory management activities were caused by the inability of the operator to do multitasking, lack of visual display and the sensitivity of parts. Potential problems were identified using PFMEA and a control plan for the inventory control using counter checker was created to ensure the smooth flow of the processes. |
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