
The Hub

Volume no. 2 | 2012/10
Issue no. 1

Proposed Automated Water Billing System for Taysan Water District
CuarteroEdric G, Pilac, Marvien T., Ilagan, Jessa A., Malanom, Michael B. Adviser: Dr. Aurora P. Tolentino
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The study is entitled “Propose Automated Water Billing System for Taysan Water District”. The general objective of the study is to automate the water bill computation and payment system of Taysan Water District. In addition, the system may able to add, delete, and update customers’ information. The development of the proposed system is accompanied with the idea that it will solve all the problems encountered in using manual system.Replacing the old system of the said company will create huge changes in processing the said operation. The flow of work will become smooth and all the progress of the organization can be monitored easily. Effectiveness will be traced together with the firmness of business operation. Water billing is a complex business process that requires effective tools for them to successfully perform their operations.
Keywords: Automation, Water Billing, Process, Database.
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