
The Hub

Volume no. 2 | 2012/10
Issue no. 1

The Role of Social Networking Services (SNS) to Education as Perceived by UB College Students, AY 2010-2011
Ms. Divina H. Manalo, MIS Mr. Alvin C. Mercado, MSIT Mrs.Rhueliza R. Tordecillia, MSIT
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This study determined the role of Social Networking Services(SNS) to Education by conducting a survey to the college students of University of Batangas. It sought to define SNS, its role in education and the extent of its use, to present and explore popular SNS, differentiate perceptions of students enrolled in computer related courses from perceptions of those who are not and to propose guidelines in maximizing its use as a tool in education. As observed, technology widens its existence in providing different services to almost all areas of human life more specifically in education. Majority of computer users spend most of their time online, to collaborate with their colleagues and to disseminate information. Regardless of the status, courses, and age of the students accessing social network is a phenomenon not only for entertainment but for educational purposes as well. In this era, SNS plays an important role in education as a tool for teaching and learning processes in almost all areas of specialization.
social networking services, tool in education, network
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