
The Hub

Volume no. 3 | 2013/7
Issue no. 1

CICT Web Tambayan
De Villa, Cedric M., Diokno, Jerico Eugene D. , Fajardo, Paolo Svein H., Lopez, Kristine May H. Adviser: Mrs. Divina M. Casao
Views: 560 Cited: 0
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The study is entitled “CICT Web Tambayan” which was developed for marketing and easy access the College of Information and Communication Technology .For this project to be interactive, the team researched appropriate modules, effective functionalities and features to put on. The software to be used was likewise considered. The administrator panel of the website was automatically created during the installation of the software and the database connection as well. The panel was secured by a username and password. There was an administrator account that could be edited anytime by the administrator. There was a user manager wherein all users who would attempt to register on the front end would be monitored and accounts would be verified. A menu manager was allotted for customizing all the menus on the front end. For the contents, they were divided into three: the article manager; category manager and media manager. All the paragraphs and sentences on the site were stored on the article manager. These articles were categorized for publishing purposes like announcements, main contents and news updates. The media manager contained all the photos and videos you wish to display on the front end. An extensions menu could also be seen on the administrator panel. This included all the modules, plugins, templates and components you want to add. However, there were built-in modules, plug-ins, templates and components on Joomla. The good thing is, everything could be extended even their functionalities might be extended. Sometimes, they did not just extend for they also added a new one. To the right of these menus, a link “view site” might be clicked to test your website. This showed the actual appearance of your website. Moving on to the front end, the main portal of the website contained a slideshow of all the photos that would describe the department’s facilities and excellence. Several tabs were designated for the detailed information that users might want to know about the department. This included the mission, vision, objectives and calendar of events of the department as well as its courses offered, the personalities behind the department and industry partners were seen as well. Users could also access the gallery of the department which would contain all the pictures related to the department. These photos were categorized into their designated folders. This included the activities done and the different announcements which were broadcasted through tarpaulins and other forms of ad. A forum was added to the site for extended communication. User should register in order to access the topics posted in the forum, to post and to reply as well. Once the account was verified, the user ma log on to the forum. Recent discussions were seen on the main board. A notification would be seen to know if you have not read the post yet. Users would be allowed to post such topic. With these, one could post a poll or just a message with any files one would want to attach. You could also want to post an eBay item, video, quote, code, table or link. Emoticons could also be posted. You could also review all your topics in a specific menu. User profiles could be edited anytime when logged in. You could also upload your preferred photo for your avatar or account photos. Latest IT updates flashes on every page except from the portal. A search button was placed on the upper right hand corner of the site. There were also links for University of Batangas, Google search, Facebook and Twitter on the right of all menus. Announcement could also be seen at the bottom. This served as the online bulletin board of the department. A font size and template changer could be found beneath the page for template settings. The contact number and email address with auto reply could be located on the footer of the site.
Web, Online Communication, Automation, E-learning