Atienza, David Joseph, Llanes, Ruby Jeny, Magboo, J-vlyn, Mansalapus,
Rosiel, Panganiban, Mary Joy E.
Adviser: Mrs. Elvie E. Pita |
The thesis entitled” iFashion: a Computer-Based
Supply Chain Management System” was created to help
track and organize the products shoes and bags on the
inventory and track the flow of money of the boutique.
Through this, the owner of the store will know the
pattern or the flow of their product from origin
(Supplier) to the destination (Customer). This system
counts the product on the boutique, determines the
remaining product and its brand, the available product,
the trending or popular products and the products on
In creating this system, the researchers use
different software: Visual Basic 2005 in coding the
system, Adobe Photoshop for editing the photos of the
product and the logo of the system and Microsoft
Access in making the database of the system Keywords:
Supply Chain Management System, Database, File
Maintenance |
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