
The Hub

Volume no. 4 | 2014/8
Issue no. 1

Analysis of Teacher-made Test Items for Database Management Systems (DB1): Basis for Test Modification
Researchers Benigno, Jerome Macatangay, Valentina Guinhawa, Ronie
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A university conducts continuous analysis to meet and improve the learning experiences of students enrolled in different educational programs. The syllabus plays an important role in the students’ learning experiences. It is a summary outline of a specific course of an educational program. Different assessment tools are also cited in a syllabus, one example is the major examination. Instructors who teach a common course combine their individual set of questions to form a departmentalized examination. This result of this study ascertained that analyzing the results of departmentalized examination for a specific course could be a basis for syllabus enhancement to improve the learning experience of students.
Item analysis, Item difficulty, Item discrimination, Discrimination index, Teacher-made test
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