Analysis of Teacher-made Test items for Ethics in IT
Profession Subject: Basis for Teaching Content
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Mrs. Bernadet C. Macaraig
Mrs. Mayling I. Capuno |
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Abstract |
Ethics determines what is acceptable, and sets
the dividing line between right and wrong. In the same
line, ethics for every profession serves as the standards
for policy making, service improvement and society
improvement. Without professional ethics, we will
either be, living in a chaotic, lawless society or
stumbling in the dark. Privacy, accuracy, property and
accessibility, these are the four major issues of
information ethics for the information age. The IT
profession is one field where the temptation for
cheating, information theft and intellectual property
corruption is widespread. Cases of plagiarism,
voyeurism, and hacking are common nowadays. Ethics
in IT Profession is a subject that introduces students to
these various issues.
Assessing student performance is a very
important part of the teaching and learning process.
Classroom tests and assessments play a central role in
the evaluation of student learning in the classroom.
Item analysis investigates the performance of items
considered individually either in relation to some
external criterion or in relation to the remaining items
on the test. This method examines student responses to
individual test items in order to evaluate the quality of
items and of the test as a whole. The main purpose of
item analysis is to improve teacher-made tests by changing or removing ineffective items and evaluating
whether students meet the specific learning objectives
of the subject.
The study intended to compare the examination
items and its relevance to the topics discussed in the
syllabus. It also aimed to analyze the examination items
according to its difficulty level. Another main concern
was the improvement of test quality to attain a valid
measurement tool for student learning.
This study showed that the test at hand was
generally a good exam. The test items were
considerably and reasonably made. Although there
were problematic items which demanded reevaluation
by teachers, the exam at hand showed a sincere
attempt to measure the set objectives.
The kind of test that a student prepares will
always be dependent on what he/she has set in the
beginning. Properly written objectives are well-tailored
evaluation items. For teachers, developing good or poor
tests is closely related to the processes of the
curriculum. Good tests help teacher fulfill the objectives
of the course. Analyzing the test actually used in the
classroom provides information with regard to the
quality of the test, students’ performance and teachers’
To improve the teacher-made test, it was
suggested that teachers may use test construction
strategies and provide in-house training on the subject
of test construction on measurement and evaluation.
Some possible recommendations were suggested based
on the findings of the study. |
Keywords |
Item analysis, Item difficulty, Item
discrimination, Discrimination index, Teacher-made
test |
References |
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