
The Hub

Volume no. 4 | 2014/8
Issue no. 1

Analysis of Teacher-made Test items for Operating Systems (OS): Basis for Test Modification
Researchers Mr. Alvin C. Mercado Ms. Elvie E. Pita Ervin Abiad
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ve the quality of individual test items leading to the validation of the overall test performance. It involves the use of various statistical tools and methods to accurately assess the acceptability of test questions. The overall process leads to retention of valid items and rejection of problematic ones assuring the overall quality of an examination. A basic information technology course, Operating Systems (OS) introduces students to the most important software used by the computer. The course focuses on the various functions operating system performs for the user and the system itself. The student is expected, upon course completion, to be familiar with the underlying OS principles and to learn to appreciate this significant software. The study aimed to compare the examination items in order to determine their difficulty level and their relevance to the topics discussed in the syllabus. It also intended to identify the basis for the improvement of test quality to attain a valid measurement tool for student learning. Although the study revealed that the examination has an overall balanced level of difficulty, it also showed that half of the examination items for OS were problematic and needed revisions. Training on test construction and the implementation of a table of specification for examinations were recommended.
Keywords: Item analysis, Item difficulty, Item discrimination, Discrimination index, teacher-made test
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