
The Hub

Volume no. 4 | 2014/8
Issue no. 1

Analysis of Teacher-made Test items for Systems Analysis and Design (SAD): Basis for Test Modification
Researchers Mrs. Angelica B. Evangelista Ms. Cesiah B. Dalawangbayan Capt. Julianito G. Bucayan Jr, PN(RET)
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This research intended to identify and analyze the results of departmentalized examination for the course, Systems Analysis and Design (SAD). The results of this study may be used as basis for syllabus enhancement in Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach. System Analysis and Design is a step-by-step procedure used in developing high-quality information systems. It includes computer systems analysis and it mainly deals with the software development activities. Item analysis is a powerful method available to teachers for the guidance and improvement of instruction. The items are analyzed to be valid measures of instructional objectives. Instructors who construct their own examinations may greatly improve the effectiveness of test items and the validity of test scores if they select and rewrite their items on the basis of item performance data. Analyzing the test used in the classroom provides information with regard to the value of the test, students’ performance and teachers’ efforts. The outcome of item analysis can be the basis of revising teaching content and materials. The study was accomplished by examining the results of midterm examinations of 90 students through the use of item analysis. The findings revealed that most difficult items were taken from lessons in Systems Planning – Analyzing Business Case and Systems Analysis – Analyzing Requirement tests. Moreover, the data showed that a total of 27 percent items (24 items) were problematic and not appropriate to assess students’ learning. Some items in the examination were also considered by students as too easy or too difficult. The results of data analysis done by the researchers called for revision and replacement of some items in the test.
Keywords: Item analysis, Item difficulty, Item discrimination, Discrimination index, Teacher-made test
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