
The Hub

Volume no. 5 | 2015/7
Issue no. 1

Enhancing the Syllabus on Computer Programming 3 (PROG 3) by Mapping Australian Skills Institute (ASI) Curriculum in Diploma in IT using OBE Approach
Elvie E. Pita Kielly Chrizza Mae Tojino
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The syllabus functions as a major communication device that provides details of how student learning will be assessed and about the roles of both students and instructors in the learning and assessment process. The syllabus contents should be so clear that they are easily understood by others who are not familiar with the course. The contents should be in compliance with the college’s other documents in order to ensure that there is a consistency and a relationship with the educational program. This research presents a systematic approach on how PROG3 syllabus mapped to the college’s educational req
Syllabus, PROG3, curriculum mapping, Australian Skills Institute, ASI, outcomes-based education, OBE, double diploma, dual diploma
REFERENCES issue-3 Australian Journal of Teacher Education Vol 38, 12, December 2013 Spencer, Riddle, &K newstubb, 2012 Killen, R. 2000. Outcomes-Based Education: Principles and Possibilities. Unpublished manuscript. University of Newcastle, Australia: Faculty of Education. Retrieved September 11, 2004 from aper.pdf. Spady, W. 1994. Outcomes Based Education: Critical Issues and Answers. American Association of School Administration: Arlington, Virginia. Tucker, B. 2004. Literature Review: Outcomes-focused Education in Universities. Learning Support Network, Curtin University of Technology.Retrieved October 19, 2004, from