Author |
Herrera, Kristine I.; Lanorte, El Nazareno L.; Ruales, Mary Joy S.; Sulit, Honeylane Rose R.; Ramos, Romell A., Ph.D. |
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Abstract |
This research examined the life and practices of an Aeta community in Puting Kahoy, Rosario, Batangas. The researchers used the phenomenological research design aided by a structured guide interview for a systematic collection of data about the Aetas’ life stages, prevailing practices, living condition, problems, and coping strategies. The researchers immersed themselves in the immediate environment of the respondents as part of their observation and participation. The findings revealed that the Aetas had been residing in the community for almost 30 years. Their mode of living changed due to modernization that some of their traditional practices are not being observed anymore today. The study also revealed that limited means of livelihood, lack of water supply and comfort rooms, the issue of land ownership, and discrimination are the most common problems of the Aetas. To cope with the changes, the Aetas strive to be more industrious, strong, resilient, and optimistic in their everyday life. The study showed that the Aetas in Puting Kahoy, Rosario, Batangas are open to changes happening in their immediate environment and that they had come a long way from the descriptions ascribed to them before. |
Keywords |
Aeta, Batangas, coping strategies, living conditions, phenomenological, practices |
References |
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