
The Hub

Volume no. 5 | 2015/7
Issue no. 1

Enhancing the Syllabus on Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) by Mapping Australian Skills Institute (ASI) Curriculum in Diploma in IT using OBE Approach
Bernadet C. Macaraig Rhueliza R. Tordecilla Jerome Benigno
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A university is an institution for higher learning and is authorized to grant degrees. A diploma is issued to a student as proof of attaining a degree. Some universities issue dual diploma which is valid in the countries of the participating universities engaged in a joint program. Implementation of a dual diploma program requires a series of complicated activities. One activity is mapping the performance criteria to the subjects. This activity is required to enhance the syllabi of the program. This is to properly align the subjects to the performance criteria of those programs included in dual diploma to ensure that the performance criteria are covered by the assessment methods of the subjects. Outcomes-based education (OBE) also requires enhancing the syllabi. It is an education system that focuses on what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences. As compliance to CHED memorandum order, Philippine universities are already adopting OBE. This study perceives that enhancing the syllabi by mapping ASI curriculum and using OBE approach can improve the learning experiences of the students. This study focuses on the Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) subject.
Keywords: Syllabus, systems analysis and design, SAD, mapping, Australian Skills Institute, ASI, outcomes-based education, OBE, double diploma, dual diploma
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