
The Hub

Volume no. 5 | 2015/7
Issue no. 1

Enhancing the Syllabus on Software Engineering (SOFTENG) by Mapping Australian Skills Institute (ASI) Curriculum in Diploma in IT using OBE Approach
Alvin C. Mercado Valentina C. Macatangay Jerome Alday
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The purpose of this research is to enhance the existing syllabus of the course Software Engineering by mapping competencies required by the Australian Skills Institute using Outcomes-based learning. By virtue of documentary analysis, it was found out that two major competencies from the Australian curriculum should be mandatorily imbued on the course syllabus to enhance learning experience and at the same time adopting outcomes-based teaching methodologies. This led the way to the identification of four new required topics that must be included in the course syllabi and the inclusion of a variety of learning activities to help realize the expected learning outcomes. The study encourages the immediate implementation of the new and enhanced Software Engineering syllabus and calls for the revision of other existing syllabus of the IT program to further instil in them outcomes-based education practices.
Keywords: Syllabus, software engineering,mapping, Australian Skills Institute, ASI, outcomes-based education, OBE, double diploma, dual diploma