
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 27 | 2019/4
Issue no. 1

de Mesa, Framces Thea Z., MEng; Cabatay, Henry I., Ph.D.; Escano, Katherine T., BSECE
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The students’ attainment of the program outcomes measures how successful a program of study is. This study aimed to assess the 11 program outcomes of the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (BSECE) program of University of Batangas. The study is a descriptive quantitative research focused on determining the less attained program outcome through an employer’s survey for improvements of the program offerings. A survey instrument consisting of self-formulated but expert-validated sets of performance indicators was used in data gathering. The immediate superior of the graduates of batch 2015 and 2016 were the respondents of the survey. The data gathered were presented, analyzed and interpreted using mean, standard deviation, Pearson R and T-test. The study was able to identify three out of 11 program outcomes that were less attained. These program outcomes were: ability to recognize, formulate, and solve Engineering problems; understanding of the effects of Engineering solutions in a comprehensive context; and ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern Engineering tools necessary for Engineering practice. Based on the results, the study also suggests an improvement plan of the program offerings focusing on the identified weaknesses of the program through the concept of lean education.
program outcomes, BSECE, University of Batangas, performance indicators, graduates, employer, lean education
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