Kalinangan Refereed Journal
College Journal
Research Services
Volume no. 3 | 2018/4/2 Issue no. 3
“Cream Dough”
Aguila, Alvin P. Aldovino, Michelle M. Japor, Cherrie Ann G. Mendoza, John Marvin B. Sabido, Shiela Mae C.
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ABSTRACT Ice cream is everyone’s favorite dessert. Ice cream is bought either for special occasions or as everyday refreshment. It knows no seasons and moods; it is a happy product, more often taken as a reward for oneself, for all sorts of reasons. Ice cream consumptions usually peaks during the hot summer months. The Cream Dough will make sure to have a well-planned organization. Its corporate goal is to meet the premier expectation of our customers by innovating new product that will differentiate us from our competitors. The Cream Dough attains to maintain a growing relationship with customers to generate new and repeat sales. The envisions itself being a leading ice cream shop that serves a unique and the best quality of product at rational prices. The business shall be named "Cream Dough". By its name, the proponents would like to offer a unique and the best ice cream in the City with different delightful flavors with cone made of dough. The proponents believe that nowadays customers are fascinated with unique and attention-grabber establishment The structure of an organization and the associations and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs. The chart shows the management arrangement and helps define authority and responsibility. The proposed business is located at P. Burgos, Barangay 12, Batangas, 4200Batangas (beside Johanna’s Grille) and monthly rate of 5,000. We chose the said location because our target market are students, employees, and shoppers. The project cost and capital requirement include funds for any expenses to be incurred before launching the company, and capital required after launch to run the company until it reaches positive cash flow -- when revenues are higher than expenses. In short until the business is generating profit. Accurately estimating the capital required to start the company is critical because running out of capital can cause the company to fail in its very early stages.
Dessert, ice cream, business
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