
The Hub

Volume no. 6 | 2016/12
Issue no. 1

Researchers: Maria Fatima G. Andal, Roselle G. Del CampoJack V. Magsombol, Jackie Lou C. Melo and Charles Leoj L. Roxas (BSIS) Adviser: Dr. Niña B. Macarandang
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This study is entitled ―Evaluation of Student Lifecycle Management System (SLiMS) using Usability Metrics‖. Data and information relating to students are the main focus of any information system developed to support all other activities that pertain to student life cycle from their admission until their graduation. The student life cycle differs from one educational institution to another and even the schools owned and managed by a single entity could have different approaches and procedures in providing support and services to their students. Evaluation is the cornerstone of quality. It is also a systematic collection and analysis of data needed to make decisions, a process in which most well-run programs engage from the outset. The process of evaluation can run smoothly and with precision when one plans carefully and follow a formal structure. The processes he/she will explore are: planning the evaluation, collecting and analyzing data, writing up findings and preparing a formal report.
Keywords: SLIMS, Software Usability Metrics, Quality
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