Kalinangan Refereed Journal
College Journal
Research Services
The Hub
Volume no. 6 | 2016/12 Issue no. 1
Researchers: Deselle D. Jandoc, Jasmin M. Labong, Kristaline P. Mendoza (BSIT) Adviser: Mrs. Elvie E. Pita
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The ―Filipino Alphabet: An Interactive Mobile Application" was developed exclusively for Batangueño children. This was designed to help learning the Filipino Alphabet using android devices and was specifically developed for children aged 4-6. The study aimed to bring the importance of education. Education plays a major role in people‘s lives. It is difficult to imagine life without education. Things that people encounter in their daily lives are products of education. No doubt that education dominates the world. Since that technology is everywhere, people can learn anytime and anywhere. Students are able to access the most up-to-date information quicker and easier than ever before. Technology prepares students for their future careers, which will inevitably include the use of wireless technology. Technology makes learning more realistic than ever. As time goes by, technology is giving more benefits for less. The devices invented are getting smaller but the services are getting better. From computers to portable laptops to tablets to smartphones, learning is now just a hand away. This is the reason why the researchers were motivated to develop a mobile application that will serve as a tool for children‘s learning. Technology is very useful in education. It is at the very core of the educational process, although most of what people learn occurs outside of school. Learning does not only happen inside the four walls of the classroom, it can happen anywhere. The proposed mobile application includes Batangueño words, voice over for each letter along with some examples, exam and stories which helps children to read and familiarize themselves with different words that are only used in Batangas. It also lets the user create an ending of the story. The objectives of this study were to analyze the concept of mobile application and Android components and apply it in developing a learning tool for children; to design an Android mobile application for children that may serve as a tool for learning and for improving their skills in reading and to implement the Android mobile application for the learning of the children. Developmental Research was used in order to develop a mobile application. This research design helpedin defining the practical ways on how to develop the application that will satisfy the needs of the users and meet the objectives of the project. The system also used System Development Cycle (SDLC), a software engineering technique that divides the system development lifecycle phases. It includes planning, designing, coding, testing and implementation. In order to fully use the proposed application, the user must have knowledge of the application usage. The researcher needed an extensive study to fully achieve the benefits as a learning tool for children. Doing so helped researchers extend the benefits and functions of the application to its end user by disseminating information. It also helped them find additional functions needed and therefore improve the application for it to be more effective.
Keywords: Interactive Mobile Application, Learning Tool, Android