Kalinangan Refereed Journal
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Volume no. 6 | 2016/12 Issue no. 1
Researchers: Donn Julius M. Macaraig, Raven A. Marquez and Dinlord D. Magpile Adviser: Mr. Froilan Andal
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The study, entitled ―University of Batangas Graduate Tracer Study (Mobile Application)‖ was designed and developed to help the Community Relations, Alumni and Placement Office (CAPO) gather reliable information about the alumni and their present employment status by using an android device. The idea is to get rid of the manual system of surveying and creating a database that will store the alumni information. It will also serve as a portable tool for the administrators of CAPO to determine the rate of employment using lists and graphs. Alumni will also benefit from the mobile application specially those who are currently unemployed; they can upload curriculum vitae through the app which CAPO officers can use to refer them in companies that are currently hiring. Community Relations, Alumni Placement Office‘s (CAPO) main task is to prepare graduating students as they enter the world of work through trainings. They also assist them in seeking employment by conducting job referrals, job fairs and on-site hiring events and to search for opportunities for improvement so that the graduates will become world-class professionals by establishing industry linkages. The mobile application was developed using tools like the Dataflow Diagram and follows the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes the Planning Phase, Analysis Phase, Design Phase, Implementation Phase, Testing Phase and Maintenance Phase. The researchers used Eclipse Android Web View, PHP, and MYSQL Database. It was built in the sense that it would run on Mobile phones and Web-based environments. The main concept of the study is to create a mobile application which the alumni can easily navigate and download through the app store. It has a user-friendly environment and a pleasant user-interface, student numbers of the alumni will serve as their username just like in the eBrahman system. This will ensure that all information being saved in our database is concrete and relevant. The University of Batangas Graduate Tracer Study Mobile Application‘s edge among other graduate tracer studies is its exclusivity. The application can only be run on an Android Operating System, specifically with the API level version of Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 or higher. This will require internet or Wi-Fi connection. Every icon in the application is easy to recognize and all buttons are functional. The proposed system offers easy access for every user in a way that everyone can understand the flow and process being done. The developed mobile application is expected to help the Community Relations, Alumni and Placement Office (CAPO) provide all the expected functions and change the old routine of the alumni by advancement of operations that will result into better quality of services. Improvements in this project can be made by the future researchers
Mobile Application, graduate tracer study, portable tool
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