

Volume no. 1 | 2021/06
Issue no. 1

Jayniah Vinielle R. Barza Arlynn L. De Ramos Kit Brian T. Dimatatac, Kyla Gielyne D. Guinihin Research Adviser: Mr. Carl Ivan B. Villanueva
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The study entitled “Technology Meets Healthcare: Assessment on the Utilization of Telehealth as a Means of Providing Basic Health Care to Batangas City Residents,” aims to determine the current modes of telehealth services in Batangas City, its contributions in providing basic health care services, the challenges in delivering these services, and the best possible intervention or course of action to address these challenges. The study is quantitative in its nature and employed the use of descriptive design. It will use a survey questionnaire as a research instrument in gathering data. The sample would have a total of 400 respondents drawn from the total population of Batangas City, who have active roles in using the telehealth services in Batangas City. The data would be obtained through purposive sampling where participants will be chosen in accordance with the purpose of the research. Furthermore, Frequency distribution, Ranking, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Weighted Mean will be used as the main statistical tools to analyze and interpret the data. The researchers concluded that securing one’s safety against iatrogenic infection in the current Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, allowing constant monitoring of the patient’s health progress, utilizing a device for communication among the patients and healthcare providers and reducing patient’s expenses due to the absence of transportation fees are the major contributions of telehealth to the healthcare system of Batangas City. The main challenge evident is lack of digital literacy or unfamiliarity with regards to the used technology. And lastly, the researchers proposed an application named as “DoctLine” which aims to combat the existing challenges brought about by the current telehealth to Batangas City residents.
Keywords: technology, telehealth, basic health care, Batangas City, COVID-19
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