

Volume no. 1 | 2021/06
Issue no. 1

Carl Jake E. Matias Jose Rafhael S. Rosales Robert Patrick G. Talabis Earl John Aristeo O. Tupas Research Adviser: Mr. Carl Ivan B. Villanueva
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The study entitled “Apollo Projector: Assessing the Efficacy of a Hologram Projector in Learning Environments” was conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of developing a hologram projector that presents various 3D models that were produced by utilizing a 3D-modelling software. The study aims to develop a novel supplementary medium for teaching which piques the interest of students while learning to further improve their academic performance. This study utilizes the experimental research design for the researchers to assess and compare the results to be gathered from the experimental and control group. Moreover, the researchers aim to determine the features of the hologram projector in terms of its conceptual, detailed, and preliminary design and evaluate its characteristics, alongside conventional media, in terms of information retention, audience interest, quality of presentation, and cost. Furthermore, the study evaluated if there is a significant difference between using a hologram projector and conventional media when presenting information. It also identified the benefits of the hologram projector and the further improvements that could be implemented to increase the efficacy of the product. In order to gather the necessary data for the study, the researchers distributed survey questionnaires to 40 students from the Junior and Senior High School Department of the University of Batangas to represent the population and accurately express their thoughts and opinions about the hologram projector. In the end, the researchers were able to develop a novel learning medium that is able to effectively retain learnings among students, maintain audience interest, and provide quality presentations through affordable methods. The researchers also promoted the product through the use of a website, infographics, and an action plan in order to encourage its implementation in learning environments. The respondents recommended increasing the scale of the product along with its resolution for a more effective learning experience among audiences.
Keywords: Hologram projector, learning environments, conventional media, academic performance, learning experience
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