

Volume no. 1 | 2021/06
Issue no. 1

Christopher Jardine T. Capuno Angeline Shane M.Como Alexandrei Louis S.Garcia Jan Valerie P. Papna Research Adviser: Mr. Carl Ivan B. Villanueva
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The study entitled “Happy Pill: Utilizing Tawa-tawa extract as an Immune-boosting Material in an Essential Oil” aimed to develop an essential oil that would aid in strengthening the immunity. The researchers pursued the study in hopes of highlighting the essence of building a stronger immune system, especially with the threat of the pandemic, by embracing the usage of traditional herbal plants and by infusing it with modernized and more efficient methods. This study utilized the experimental design in generating the data to be used in the research. The research also identified the people that would greatly benefit from the product and the study itself to contribute new knowledge and to address the health needs of the people. The researchers delved into assessing the acceptability of tawa-tawa or Euphorbia hirta as an immune-boosting material in an essential oil. The survey questionnaires were used to collect the data and with this, the researchers selected 30 respondents from Batangas City—that are using and familiar with essential oils—to answer the survey questionnaires about the characteristics of the product. Ultimately, the researchers were able to make the tawa-tawa essential oil that would help its users to strengthen their immunity and have a healthier body, especially in these dire times. The researchers also used online platforms and brochures in promulgating the idea about the study, the research product, and its benefits.
Keywords: Euphorbia hirta, Tawa-tawa, essential oil, immune-boosting
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