Kalinangan Refereed Journal
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Adhika Refereed Journal
Volume no. 4 | 2019 Issue no. 1
IMPACT OF POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS ON STUDENTS’ PERCEP- TION TOWARDS POLITICAL CANDIDATES (Presented during the Philippine Political Science Association 2016 Inter- national Conference with theme “Governance and the Politics of Change”)
Dr. Annabelle I. Tenorio Dr. Evelyn T. Rabino Ms. Elsie O. Untalan Ms. Lanifel C. Manalo
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Election is the public source of political power in a democratic system. A political candidate who long to be elected to public office engaged in a political cam- paign. Seeking for people’s support using political ad- vertisement through mass media is a political campaign strategy. This research paper aimed to assess the im- pact of political ads on students’ perception of political candidates and how different the impact is in terms of acquisition of information, credibility of information, en- dorsement of politician and utilization of media tech- niques. Descriptive research was used with question- naire as the main survey instrument. The researchers, through the findings of the study recommend that there is a need to educate voters particularly the students to use their critical thinking and be decisive in getting infor- mation about the candidates and discern which political ad is credible and vital, hence a proposed action plan for guiding the student – voters in assessing political adver- tisements is deemed necessary.
election, political advertisement, campaign, political candidate, student - voters
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