
Adhika Refereed Journal

Volume no. 4 | 2019
Issue no. 1

Ms. Josephine C. Bentillo Mr. Carl Reman M. Maranan, RPm Mrs. Shara May T. Espinol, RPsy, RPm
Views: 525 Cited: 1
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This research paper aimed to determine the readiness of College teachers to deal with students’ problems that call for the need of counseling. Through bringing to the fore, teachers’ experiences of such inci- dents, the researchers intended to recommend means on how teachers can become effective counselors. De- scriptive research was used and survey instrument along with observation and interview were employed in data gathering and interpretation. The survey instrument ad- ministered was based on the ASCA model which is used worldwide for defining the 21st century skills of school counselors. Based on the findings, poor study habit is the most common student problem encountered by teachers. Furthermore, respondent-teachers admitted that they need enhancement of knowledge and skills on counseling and coordination for them to become effec- tive guidance program supporters. The researchers pre- pared a module that highlights the different characteris- tics that a counselor must possess based on the ASCA model.
Guidance Program Supporters; Guidance and Counseling
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