
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 29 | 2021/06
Issue no. 1

Rod Charlie Delos Reyes, Renan Mhartin Addatu, Ma. Lourdes Arellano, Ma. Kate Cueto, Suszein Andree Luansing, Diane Renegado
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Occupational therapists are among those professionals who work holistically since they offer a wide range of their intervention strategies for different aspects of individuals. Due to this, the study determined the perceived stress and coping strategies of Filipino occupational therapists working in pediatrics in Batangas City. Three themes emerged from the results: high expectations of caregivers are the primary source of stress among occupational therapists that affect their body, mood, and behavior. To combat stress, the respondents use leisure. This study called for action of different entities to encourage proactive and response activities to address stress.
Coping Strategies Occupational Therapy, Pediatric, Stress, Batangas
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