
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 29 | 2021/06
Issue no. 1

Caryl R. Aguila, Reginald M. Comia, Jochrist Ian A. Manalo Leslie C. Data, Anne Sharmaine C. Casanova, Joseph M. De Galicia, Jermhel M. Solis, REE
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The world’s energy consumption had a prosperous trend over the years. Most of the energy used come from non-renewable sources whose consumption can severely damage human lives and nature through its drastic aftermath like global warming, ozone layer depletion, and environmental pollution. In line with the world’s serious search for an alternative energy source, the researchers came up with the idea of improving the technology of generating electricity from plants through Plant Microbial Fuel Cell (PMFC). The researchers focused on the sustainability of the output of the fuel cell which is the main problem of all the existing PMFC design. Through a series of experiments, they determined the suitable plant and the best anode- cathode combination to be used to maximize the energy production of the fuel cell which they called Photosynthetic Bioelectricity. The researchers also tested the capability of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) to prevent the corrosion of conductors used. The output power of the Photosynthetic Bioelectricity is also boosted using the Buck Booster. The results of these experiments ascertained the effectiveness of ICCP and Buck Booster in aiding the Photosynthetic Bioelectricity’s output generation. They were able to generate an average of 12 V using only 70 individual plant cells, much less than the previous design which used 150. The reliability of the Photosynthetic Bioelectricity’s output was evaluated by running simple loads like a 4W bulb and phone charging.
Bioelectricity, Cathodic Protection Fuel Cell, Plant Microbial Fuel Cell, Photosynthesis
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