

Volume no. 1 | 2021/08
Issue no. 2

Dave Michael C. Aceveda John Russell B. Atienza Queen Nicolette D. Sandoval Alexandra Grace Lord Vertucio Mr. Carl Ivan M.Villanueva
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This study aimed to determine the relationship between social class and political orientation of the citizens of selected barangays in Batangas City. The study is conducted to provide information to the citizens towards their social class and political orientation. The researchers aimed to identify whether there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ social class and political orientation. A quantitative type of research was carried out to the participants around the selected barangays of Batangas City, all of which were selected using the stratified random sampling method. The research focused on the impact of the social class to the political orientation of the citizens of the selected barangays. The process used in data gathering for the study is in the form of questionnaires. The contents of the research instrument aimed to plot each respondents’ social class and political orientation with respect to previous related literature and studies. Results are based on the citizens of selected barangays in Batangas City: Pagkilatan, Cuta, Sto. Niño, Alangilan, and Sta. Clara. The study required the participation of 25 respondents in each selected barangay resulting in a total of 125 respondents. Using statistical tests and analysis, the researchers found out that there is no significant relationship between the social classes of an individual and their political orientation. Based upon the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers proposed that the study be further used and tested on future research and in different contexts.
Keywords: social class, political orientation
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