

Volume no. 1 | 2021/08
Issue no. 2

Lalaine Rose G. Adano Christian Joseph C.Balmes Vhera Pattrishe M. Hernandez M. Lorenz Louise S. Punzalan Vince Nigel A. Son Mr. Carl Ivan B. Villanueva
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An inevitable pandemic has struck humanity’s kind in the most unexpected time. It has affected the livelihood, industries, families, and even the students who, in the time of the prevalence of COVID-19, are inside their homes working so hard to comply with their studies. Now that the Philippines is in its longest running lockdown, there is a significant effect on the diet and nutrition, either good or bad, that can be widely noticed in the Senior High School Department of University of Batangas. The study aimed to assess the state of diet and nutrition of the said senior high school students and how it was affected by their frequency of food intake, amount of food intake, and the nutritional value of their meals. Specifically, the study sought to determine if there is a significant difference between the diet and nutrition of the students before and during the COVID-19 lockdown; to test the difference of their diet affecting their Body Mass Index; to propose a meal plan most suitable to the needs of the students and creating a mobile application for easier access; and to propose an action plan to raise awareness about proper diet and nutrition. The study utilized an ex-post facto research design since one of the variables of the study – the state of diet and nutrition is already occurring and its causes are to be determined. With the population of 1389, 54 students from each strand and grade level were chosen as respondents. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the diet and nutrition of senior high school students before and during the lockdown. It is vital that the researchers take the significant changes into consideration, as well as the causes that lead to these changes, because this will determine whether these changes are caused by the longest running lockdown or not. The researchers proposed activities that will further improve the diet and nutrition of the students and have them shielded against COVID-19.
Keywords: COVID-19 lockdown, Diet and Nutrition, Meal Plan, Senior High School, Food Intake, Nutritional Value, Body Mass Index
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