
Graduate School Journal

Volume no. 7 | 2019
Issue no. 1

Renalyn B. Alamario
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Mathematics is a challenging subject to master by students, from primary school to university. The low-level of success of students in mathematics have long been a concern of educators. This paper investigates relationships between demographic profile, learning approaches, math self-efficacy and study habits and mathematics performance using structural equation modeling. The subjects of the study were 1,019 senior high school students coming from the different schools in the province of Batangas. A cluster random sampling method was utilized. This study examined the moderating effect of demographic profile and the mediating effect of learning approaches on mathematics performance. The data were statistically analyzed and treated using the SPSS SmartPLS. The study revealed that surface approach fully mediates the effect of study habits on math performance and the demographic profile does not moderate the relationship between math self-efficacy and study habits on mathematics performance. The results were used as a basis to improve mathematics performance of the senior high school students.
math self-efficacy, study habits, learning approaches, mathematics performance, Structural Equation Model
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