
Graduate School Journal

Volume no. 7 | 2019
Issue no. 1

Majourie Belen C. Aguila & Romell A. Ramos, Ph. D.
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The main objective of this study was to modify formulas for stoichiometric calculations using symbolic algebra. Exploration on the basic concepts of stoichiometry and analysis of its mathematical side through the symbolic approach on the balancing of the combustion reaction of hydrocarbons as well as its dimensional analysis led to the derivation of the modified formulas. Utilization of the concept of graph and tree of the graph theory established the general formula of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. The derived formulas were for alkanes, for alkenes and for alkynes where u represented the mass of the carbon dioxide, v was the mass of the given hydrocarbon and n was the number of carbon atoms present in the hydrocarbon. The modified formulas were applied in solving stoichiometric calculations and provided a compact generalized one – step solution in finding the amount of carbon dioxide produced from the combustion reaction of hydrocarbons.
modified formulas, stoichiometric calculations, symbolic algebra, graph and tree theory, hydrocarbon
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