
Graduate School Journal

Volume no. 7 | 2019
Issue no. 1

Lenie R. Tumambing
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This study aimed to examine the mediating role of attitude on the relationship between learning style and students’ motivation and mathematics performance via structural equation modeling. The respondents of the study were composed of 1993 Grade 10 students from the Division of Batangas. A survey questionnaire to assess motivation, learning styles and attitude towards mathematics and a mathematics achievement test to determine their performances were utilized. Based from the results that were obtained, Kinesthetic, Visual and Auditory Learning Styles, Mastery Orientation, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation and Confidence in mathematics, Importance of mathematics and Engagement were all perceived as moderate extent. Auditory learning style, mastery orientation and intrinsic motivation predicted attitude towards mathematics. Confidence and importance of mathematics predicted students’ performance in Mathematics 10. Mastery orientation, extrinsic motivation and kinesthetic, visual and auditory learning styles predicted students’ performance in Mathematics 10. Attitude towards mathematics fully mediated the effect of motivation while the effect of learning styles on performance in mathematics was partially mediated by attitude towards mathematics.
motivation, extrinsic, intrinsic, mastery orientation, learning styles, kinesthetic, auditory, visual, attitude towards mathematics, confidence, importance of mathematics, engagement, structural equation modeling
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