
Graduate School Journal

Volume no. 7 | 2019
Issue no. 1

Juanito D. Guarde Jr.
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One important dimension in teacher education that is getting a lot of attention is related to the use of instructional materials. Instructional materials are those materials used by a teacher to simplify their teaching. They include both visual and audio-visual aids and could either be concrete or non-concrete. These instructional materials bring life to learning by stimulating students to learn. Hence, this study was conducted for the researcher to know if the contextualized teaching materials in English 5 would address educational issues and concerns in public elementary education dealing with IP learners specifically in accomplishing DepEd competencies. Such issues and concerns primarily include pupils’ active participation in class discussion, pupils’ level of comprehension and understanding of the lesson in language subjects and pupils’ mastery of the lesson learned. With the use of descriptive research thru quantitative and documentary analysis method, the research conducted a focus group discussion with eight (8) English teachers from public Mangyan elementary schools. Findings revealed that the learning materials used by the English teachers in the instruction of English do not match the needs of the pupils; and that the content assessment of the learning materials by the teachers proved that they are not addressing the needs of the pupils when it comes to fully understanding the concepts and skills in English. There are evidences of resources within the community of Alangan Mangyan in Mindoro which could be used in teaching English. The study further recommends that the proposed contextualized learning materials for Alangan Mangyan pupils be tried out to find out their effectiveness in making the said pupils proficient in English subject.
Contextualization, Contextualized Learning Materials, Mangyan Alangan Learners, Teaching English, Instructional materials
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