
Graduate School Journal

Volume no. 8 | 2020
Issue no. 1

Maria Perpetua P. Crisostomo
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Using descriptive design, this research studied the usability of some social media sites (SMS) to enhance college English learning areas. This encompassed the students’ performance on the college English learning areas through a researcher-made test, and usability of these SMS to each learning area through researcher-made questionnaire over the 207 students selected using purposive sampling. Along with them, are the language instructors in the five campuses identified as the research environment who also answered researcher-made questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed, and in addition, a subset of participants which included language instructors from private and public, basic, and higher educational institution participated the virtual focus group discussion. Results showed that the students performed poorly in literature; Facebook and YouTube are found usable to enhancing the college English learning areas; and the utmost concerns of the language instructors are training and orientation to the use of SMS in instructions and support of the university. Results would lead to the creation of strategies utilizing SMS in the enhancement of college English learning areas, specifically literature.
College English, Web 2.0, Descriptive Design, Batangas, Philippines
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