
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 29 | 2022/03
Issue no. 2

Angelica V. Dimaculangan, Angelica B. Evangelista, Sherie Ann B. Evangelio, Krizel S. Lucero, Mark Louie M. Alicpala
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This research paper assessed the pedagogical strategies in the implementation of multicultural education in some universities in the Batangas Province, Philippines. The respondents were 170 international students from three selected universities in the Batangas Province in the 35 item self- administered questionnaire were analyzed using frequency count and weighted mean. Results show that in multicultural education different pedagogical strategies are used such as cooperative learning, collaboration, intergroup discussion, active involvement and other teaching style which are integrated in the curriculum, teaching learning process and student outcomes which are pillars of educational process. Due to cultural differences the international students encountered problems related to school environment and community, religion, social interaction, food preferences and climate. The researchers offered specific guidelines to address the needs of the students and ensure academic excellence and holistic development.
Batangas province, education, globalization, multicultural program, pedagogical strategies
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