
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 29 | 2022/03
Issue no. 2

Marvin D. Apritado, Jeryll Nicko L. Mercado, Mary Rose B. Ramirez
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This research assessed PBL as an approach to facilitating the experiential learning in Science instruction of the private secondary institutions in Batangas City. This involved 50 respondents which is the total enumerated number of Science teachers from 13 different private secondary schools in Batangas City. The researchers used a self-made questionnaire composed of four parts: (1) perceived effects of PBL approach in Science instruction relevant to content and pedagogy; (2) evaluation on the use of PBL in Science instruction; (3) problems encountered in implementing the PBL approach; and (4) extent on the use of PBL activities in facilitating the experiential learning growth of the students; the academicians and experts checked the validity and reliability of the research instrument in the given field of study. Weighted mean and standard deviation were used in analyzing the responses of the participants. The findings revealed that PBL developed a life-long learning experience among the students. It can result in fun learning activities and experiences and can easily impart immediate feedback from learners’ output and students accept positive criticism or suggestions. However, science teachers struggle to grasp the concept of an open problem. The extent of the use of PBL in facilitating experiential learning among the students is shown in producing video content that has captured moving images. Finally, PBL helps teachers learn and utilize different management processes and strategies in the real world as they accomplish their projects. As an output of this study, the researchers developed activities to enhance science instruction.
Batangas City, experiential learning, project-based learning approach, private secondary schools, Science
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