
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 25 | 2018/4
Issue no. 1

Bulan, Leni A., MEng-CpE; Maderazo, Liza R., MEng-CpE; Asi, Pablo B., MEng-ECE
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The University of Batangas, in its continuing thrust of providing quality education, aims to provide not only an effective method of instruction delivery through a conducive learning environment but also to satisfy the needs of its clients for other quality resources. One initiative that could address this mission is thru the installation of Air-Conditioning Units (ACU) in all classrooms in the university. Doing so poses a liability to the university because ACU misuse is widespread in some buildings. Several strategies had been undertaken by the administration to minimize if not eliminate the misuse but to no avail. The main objective of this research was to develop an ACU controller built-inside the classroom that would empower the faculty members in controlling the use of the ACU. The objective is that no air-conditioning units could be used by anyone but the faculty members who would be given authority to access a device that controls the ACU’s operation. Developmental method of research was used where each aspect of the process was documented. The developed device was then installed in one engineering classroom where it was tested for its functionality, accuracy, and yield impact in terms of cost savings. The findings showed that considerable amount of energy was being wasted due to ACU misuse. With the implementation of the developed device, a 32.3052% average daily savings was observed. If this percentage should be converted to savings, the university would be able to set aside a considerable amount. A longer period of testing would show a further improvement in cost savings and its eventual implementation afterwards would benefit the institution in terms of cost savings relating to energy consumption.
air-conditioning units, controller, microcontroller, energy saving, University of Batangas
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