
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 25 | 2018/4
Issue no. 1

Valle, Siddartha B., RCE; Albay, Ronald D., RCE; Montilla, April John M., RCE
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Accelerated erosion has been a threat on the agronomic productivity of arable lands, especially in the tropics with prevalent high-velocity winds and seasonal rainfalls. To prevent further soil degradation, geotextiles are installed as soil cover to provide interim protection until the soils are stabilized with vegetation as a long-term slope protection. This study examined the mechanical properties of a locally available fiber source to assess its viability as geotextile fabric for steep slopes. A woven natural geotextile was fabricated from the fibers of thorny bamboo (“kawayang tinik”). Ropes of 6-mm and 8-mm diameters were produced from the bamboo fibers, and their tensile strengths were tested in accordance to ASTM D4268. The breaking strength of bamboo ropes were found to be 2.1 and 2.4 times greater than the standard breaking strength of Manila hemp in 6-mm and 8-mm diameters respectively. Rainfall simulations were also carried out to compare the sediment runoff between uncovered and covered 60° slopes. Results showed that runoff from the cover slope yielded substantially lower sediment concentrations than that of the uncovered slope. The bamboo geotextile performed effectively in reducing soil loss and mitigating subsequent slope failure.
Bambusa blumeana, geotextile, bamboo fiber, soil erosion, sediment runoff
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