

Volume no. 2 | 2022/10/26
Issue no. 1

James Daniel M. Valencia Katherine Anne M. Bamba, Jet Kobe B. Evangelista, Paul Nigel B. Magboo
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Abstract The rapid escalation of global temperature due to climate change resulted in unforeseen weather patterns that have the potential to inflict harm on the health and safety of individuals all over the world. Climate change also produced extreme and unexpected precipitation that result in major flooding within urban areas which may affect the economy and health of the citizens within the flooded area. Moreover, flooding is also a major natural phenomenon that may negatively affect the safety, property, and transportation of the citizens within the flooded areas. Flooding may occur due to the overflow of water from inadequate urban drainage systems and due to moderate to heavy precipitation. This study entitled “Urban Flood Impact Assessment” aimed to assess the impact of flooding towards safety, transportation, and property within the area of Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City. Additionally, the study also aimed to propose a sustainable urban drainage plan to provide awareness of the application of sustainable urban drainage in lessening the impact of flooding. The study used a Developmental research design and a simple random sampling method to gather the thirty respondents of the study, mainly fifteen residents, and fifteen students within Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City. Additionally, the study utilized weighted mean, composite mean, ranking, and ANOVA test in determining the impact of flooding. Moreover, the researchers utilized an online survey questionnaire in gathering the data from the chosen respondents. The survey revealed that the respondents, both students, and residents strongly agreed about the application of an eco-friendlier design for the improvement of the urban drainage system within Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City. The data gathered indicated that flooding has a significant effect towards safety, transportation, and property within Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City. Furthermore, based on the gathered data, other issues that persist due to inadequate urban drainage systems are clogged drainage and the escalation of foul odor within the proximity. Moreover, the results and conclusion of the study determined that flooding has a significant impact on safety, transportation, and property within Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City, and also the need for improvement of urban drainage systems using sustainable urban drainage concepts.
Sustainable, Drainage, Climate Change, Precipitation, Flooding, Urban, Safety, Transportation, Property
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