

Volume no. 2 | 2022/10/26
Issue no. 1

Allen Glenn H. Mendoza Fedrick Luis Z. Rubin Yna Louise F. Medina
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The everyday disposal of tons of waste without any sorting or treatment results in stacks of waste at landfill sites. A secure landfill is a designed depression in the surface, a building built on top of the ground, where wastes are deposited. A landfill is basically a bathtub in the ground. A bathtub can leak whenever it is filled with too much water etc. Landfills are often unethical, resulting in issues such as air pollution from garbage burning at landfill sites, groundwater pollution, and land erosion. The title of this study is “Proposed Sustainability Landfill Design for Better Waste Management.” The goal is to keep any hydraulic connections between wastes and the environment, particularly groundwater, to a minimum. Producing an overall better design of the infrastructure of a landfill design inclined to improve waste management and not contribute to any kind of pollution. The developmental-experimental study was conducted on 30 licensed civil engineers and environmentalists who are selected through simple random sampling. The data were collected through an online survey questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using weighted mean, composite mean, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This study also uses SketchUp software in order to develop the proposed landfill design. The results revealed that the gathered and tabulated data showed that there is a significant difference between the effectiveness of the proposed sustainability landfill design for better waste management in terms of human health, pollution, and climate. The findings and results regarding the proposed sustainability landfill design for better waste management proved that the researchers’ proposed landfill model with its properties will help the landfills to be more efficient, and sustainable and will not further harm the environment, climate, and health of people. The researchers recommended that environmentalists should put more effort into educating people about proper waste disposal and segregation to avoid waste mismanagement.
Landfills, Human Health, Pollution, Climate, Sustainable, Landfill Design, Environment, Properties
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