
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 25 | 2018/4
Issue no. 1

Santillana, Priscilla Mizpah P., Ph.D.; Delgado, Mary Grace V.; Reyes, Merecedita S.; Maranan, Anita C.
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This study aimed to interpret hugot lines by identifying the speech act and humor style employed by its speakers. The selected hugot lines were chosen by the researchers based on their ability to represent Filipino humor with the use of words, lines and phrases which are colloquial expressions. Coding was used to identify the speech act (directives, declarations, commissives, expressives, or assertives) and humor style (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, or self-defeating) of hugot lines. Hugot were then interpreted based on the result of coding. Results revealed that hugot lines are used not just to entertain but also to benefit the speaker specifically in terms of concealing or avoiding issues or problems which have to be dealt with or as regards alleviating the gravity of the situation or predicament. The results of this study is significant in understanding the use of humor in communicative expressions with emphasis on discerning the motifs, intentions and motivations of speakers shown in hugot lines.
speech act, humor, Filipino humor, hugot lines, communication
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