

Volume no. 2 | 2022/10
Issue no. 2

Latifah Denisse B. Arcega Jhazlyn Gwen R. Ite Cyril Hope C. Jamet Rizalyn Marion C. Medrano
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This study entitled "An Assessment on the Efficiency Level of Bioinformatics Tools in Laboratory Practices''. The study specifically aims to analyze the Efficiency Level of Bioinformatics Tools in Laboratory Practices, to determine if inculcating a bioinformatics system is useful and efficient in laboratory settings, and to further enhance the knowledge regarding this topic. The study is quantitative in its nature and employed the use of descriptive research design to collect and obtain all the necessary data needed for the study. Also, it used survey-questionnaire as its main gathering instrument to collect data significant to the present study. The researchers selected a total of 50 medical technologists and laboratory experts (25 medical technologists, and 25 laboratory experts) as respondents using a simple random sampling where each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. Moreover, researchers used frequency and percentage, weighted mean, ranking, composite mean, and t-test as the statistical tools to analyze and interpret the data. In addition, the researchers concluded that the hypothesis should be accepted, and thus, there are no significant differences between the efficiency level of the use of genetic profiling and the utilization of genetic testing. In the end, the researchers generate a prototype model plan for a modified CRISPR device to redevelop its exertion in the biomedical field with the usage of techniques propelled for bioinformatics applications. The prototype model plan, in particular, enables medical technology experts, lab enthusiasts, and scientists to change and rewrite the genetic code in practically any organism as it also incorporates the integration of biochemical and molecular techniques, improving and boosting the ability to seek cures, treatments and prevent diseases, as well as the usefulness of bioinformatics for basic and clinical genetic research.
Coronavirus; Bioinformatics Tools; Genetic Profiling; Genetic Testing; Laboratory Practices
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