

Volume no. 2 | 2022/10
Issue no. 2

Magno Achilles C. Aquiatan Noah O. Castillo Cyril Faith C. Jamet, Frances Nikole D. Pangilinan
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This research study entitled “Rainwater Harvesting: An Evaluation on the Effectivity of the Rainwater Management System’s Design on Residential Households” was conducted by the researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of the rainwater harvesting by using rainwater management design in residential households to provide a secondary source of water. The primary objectives of the study were to identify the aspects and effects of utilizing the rainwater harvester on residential households, assess the features of the rainwater harvesting system, and if the features significantly affect the level of efficacy of the system’s design. At the same time, its main objective was to propose a course of action to improve the current rainwater management system’s design applied in residential households and inform the users through informative material and a 3D Model of the system’s design. The researchers used a combined approach of descriptive and ex-post facto research designs. A survey questionnaire was utilized as the primary gathering instrument, whereas fifty (50) residential households within the Batangas City vicinity were selected as the respondents for the study, using the simple random sampling method. Through the gathered data from the respondents, the researchers were able to systematize and conclude by utilizing online questionnaires and statistical tools such as frequency, weighted mean, ranking, and T-test. Findings presented in the research show that the level of efficacy of the RWHS is reliant on its components and that the system serves as a secondary source of water for non-potable use. Nevertheless, the results showed significant differences in the level of efficacy of the rainwater harvesting system regarding its filtration system and storage unit, which shows that the features, along with the weather conditions, affect how the system performs.
Rainwater Harvesting System, Residential Households, Filtration System, Storage Unit, Weather Condition, Efficacy
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