

Volume no. 1 | 2022/11
Issue no. 1

Joven Z. Gabia, Francisco E. Macalindol Jr., Arvin M. Saez, Ma. Angela G. Lacerna
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This research paper determined the stance on the proposal of lowering the age of criminal responsibility of the Criminology students of University of Batangas—Batangas City (UBBC). The respondents were 144 criminology students from UBBC. The three-part self-constructed questionnaire was used as survey instrument. The data gathered were analyzed using frequency count, percentage, and weighted mean. Results show that most of the respondents agreed on lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Agreeing on consideration of the act of lowering the age of criminal responsibility in the Philippines, it will be an assurance that the child offenders will be reintegrated into society. In contrary, according to the considerations of those who disagreed in lowering the age of criminal responsibility in the Philippines, children questioned under the proposal are more likely to exhibit harmful behavior and other disruptions or trauma in their lives society. When it comes to strategies necessary to be implemented in case the minimum age of criminal responsibility is lowered, this study shows that there should be provision of support and services for children deprived of their liberty prior and after release to promote their rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. In contrary, for the strategy in case of not lowering, the strategy should be to ensure that all children fully enjoy and exercise their rights in compliance with the provisions of the law. The researchers gave some inputs that can be utilized by future law enforcers to sustain and improve the knowledge of the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
Age of Criminal Responsibility, Juvenile Justice, Republic Act No. 9344
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